Rules |
Rules of LOF 2025 contest |
1. |
Competition is open for all female dancers and groups. |
2. |
Age restriction: |
Juvenile |
from 11 years (2014, 2015, ...) |
Junior |
from 12 to 15 years (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013) |
Adult |
from 16 years (2009, 2008, ...) |
Adult 1 |
16 - 34 years (2009, ..., 1991) - Amateur Solo only |
Adult 2 |
from 35 years (1990, 1989, ...) - Amateur Solo only |
3. |
Competition |
Solo |
categories: |
Duo-Trio |
according to the older in the Duo, Trio as Team |
Team (4-15 dancers) |
according to the 2/3 majority of the Team |
There can be more dancers but we do not recommend it due to limited size of the stage (8x10 m)
Team - Number of dancers |
Limit for other age category in Team
4 - 5 |
1 |
6 - 8 |
2 |
9 - 11 |
3 |
12 - 14 |
4 |
15 |
5 |
4. |
Dance styles: |
Raqs sharqi and drum solo (props as veils or wings can be used, but maximally 0:30 min |
of the composition time) |
Folklore with props (beledi, saidi, melaya leff, shamadan, dabkeh, nubia, khaleegy, |
turkish folklore, etc. ... tradition music or arabic pop) |
Fusion and Fantasy (salsaorient, orient flamengo, bollywood, ...) min 50% elements from Bellydance |
Tribal and Tribal fusion |
If you do not know how to rank (to classify) your choreography, please contact us for consultation and we will help you to rank it into one of the dance styles. In case there are less than 3 participants in a dance styles, this dance style will be joined with another one. In case there are more than 3 choreos in one dancestyle e.g. Bollywood, we create new separate category for Bollywood. |
5. |
Status (licence): |
Amateur |
Beginners - recreational dancing, participants of dance courses who dance less |
than 1 year (who have not competed or have not danced so far in final round) |
Advanced - recreational dancing, participants of dance courses who dance more |
than 1 year (finalists of competitions in category Amateur) |
Professional |
– dance-lecturers |
– dancers who perform often or periodically for reward |
– winners of any competition in cathegory Amateur Advanced |
Solo - Amateur Beginners, Amateur Advanced, Professional. Duo-Trio, Team - Amateur or Professional only |
Organizer reserves the rights to decide over participation of an applicant – submitting untrue information results in disqualification. Dance-lecturers can dance with their students (profesional with amateur) |
Number of dancers |
Limit for Professional in Team |
Trio |
1 |
Team 4 - 5 |
1 |
6 - 8 |
2 |
9 - 11 |
3 |
12 - 14 |
4 |
15 |
5 |
6. |
Entry fee: |
Amateur |
Solo |
Juvenile, Junior |
10 € |
Adult |
20 € |
/ person / dance style |
Duo-Trio, Team |
7 € |
14 € |
/ person / dance style |
Professional |
Solo |
Adult |
30 € |
/ person / dance style |
Duo-Trio, Team |
20 € |
/ person / dance style |
Each participant is subject to payment, each dancer can dance only once in each of the categories and dance styles i.e., 12 times maximum in total) |
The entry fee is non-refundable; in case of failed participation or withdrawal from competition the fee will not be refunded (nor in the case of illness). |
7. |
Entry forms: |
It is understood, that by submitting the entry form you acknowledge and agree with the |
Rules of LOF 2025 contest |
Term: by no later than 24.2. - 2.3. 2025 - on-line entry forms only here |
Entry form becomes valid only after settling the entry fee. |
Entry form received after deadline – double entry fee will be charged |
Participants further agree with their performances being photographed and video recorded, allowing this material to be used for advertising and promotional purposes, and waive any claims to be financially or otherwise compensated in relation to such pursuance. |
8. |
Music: |
Solo |
1st round |
– one's own composition 1:45 – 2:30 |
(Raqs sharqi - must include slow and quick sections - work with veil/wings – max 0:30) |
Finals |
– uniform compositions for all the participants, |
timeout – 2:00 min (Titles of the 4 compositions here) /cross comparison of all competitors performing simultaneously (at the same time) on the stage/ |
Duo-Trio |
Finals |
– one's own composition (mix possible) 1:45 – 2:30 |
Team |
Finals |
– one's own composition (mix possible) 2:30 – 4:00 |
Spoken word, etc. are included in competition time. |
Please send your own compositions in mp3 format in advance. The organiser obliges not to render these compositions to a third party and will use these only for purposes of Liptov Orient Festival. |
Name of the track: |
juv_solo_folk_name.mp3 |
jun_duo_raqs_name_of_duo.mp3 |
adult_team_tribal_name_of_team.mp3 |
profi_solo_fusion_name.mp3 |
9. |
Procedure of |
Solo |
1st round – finals |
(semifinal - break - final - break - awarding) |
competition: |
Duo-Trio |
finals |
(final - break - awarding) |
Team |
finals |
(final - break - awarding) |
Dancers must NOT leave the stage during their perfomance in competition (e.g. join with audience). |
Maximally 15 persons can be on the stage during the performance including NONE dancing, standing or sitting persons. Males, children and animals can NOT be included in choreography. Ligthing of the stage – natural light (artificial lighting). Lighting effects are not allowed. |
Timetable will be sent to each participants. |
10. |
Criteria of judgement: |
Body proportions, weight, and age are not subjected to judgement. |
Solo |
- Dance art – technical mastership of dance elements |
1-5 points |
- Look of a dancer – visual impression, how suitably is costume selected to a dance style, hair-style, make up |
1-5 points
- Distinctiveness of display, dance expression, presentation, gestures and mimics |
1-5 points
Duo-Trio, |
- Dance – technical embodiment |
1-5 points |
Team |
- Spatial segmentation |
1-5 points |
- Synchronization |
1-5 points |
- Creativity, selection of music, costumes, props, consonance with music |
1-5 points |
- Artistic impression – expression/presentation |
1-5 points |
11. |
Judgement: |
1st round and finals - non-public |
12. |
Awarding: |
Only 1st to 3rd places will be announced and awarded |
Solo - diploma and medal (gift prizes / prize money) Duo-Trio - diploma and medal for all dancers (gift prizes) Team - diploma and trophy for team, medal for all dancers in team (gift prizes)
A category will be opened if there are at least 3 competitors subscribed for it. Should there be only: 3 competitors – 1st place will be awarded 4 competitors – 1st and 2nd place will be awarded 5 and more competitors – 1st to 3rd place will be awarded |
It is in compliance with the character of the competition where a dancer needs to win over at least two contestants. |
13. |
Judges: |
Professionals from a given domain, or other dance domains, having relevant dance, music or |
occupational education. It is not possible to appeal against the decision of the judges. The task of judges will be to assess the performances of the contestants. Judges will not alter the course of the contest in any way, and they must not communicate with dancers while the competition is in progress. Judges are obliged to respect the Criteria of judgement as well as the timetable of the contest. |
Judges´ bonus |
After the competions you can ask for the feedback from the judges about one positive and |
one negative aspect in choreography. |
14. |
Supervisor: |
Hosts and moderates the dance competition. |
15. |
Workshop: |
We do not organize this year |
16. |
Payment: |
by no later than 7 March 2025 |
competition (from 3 March 2025 - double Entry fee) |
Bank transfer to account no.: |
(by no later than 7 March 2025) |
Variable symbol: |
2025 |
Notes: |
Number of Application form |
17. |
Accommodation: |
We do not arrange accommodation |
Culture house is in the centre of the town and there are many facilities arround providing accommodation. |
18. |
Board: |
Bufet-style meals (hot and could, meal of the day, hot and could drinks) will be provided |
in the culture house |
19. |
Organizer reserves the right to: |
Make changes in the competition rules as well as time schedule anytime throughout the contest, or annul the competition
Disqualify a competition participant anytime throughout the competition, if such a person breaches the Contest rules, or by her conduct damages good name of the event, organizer, partners or sponsors.
It is possible to appeal against the disqualification in writing with the chairman of the event not later than 30 minutes after the contest is over. Other legal means are not applicable. Each such appeal will be chargeable with 35 €. Unsettled appeals will be void.
The contestants shall not rise a legal claim to prizes and donations; however, the organizer commits its person to hand all the prizes and gifts which have been provided by sponsors and partners. Enforcing the prizes in legal way is impossible. |
20. |
All costs regarding participation on the event will be borne by participants. |